DigiByte:profitability of cryptocurrency

DigiByte:profitability of cryptocurrency

DigiByte:profitability of cryptocurrency

DigiByte (DGB), Scrypt :

difficulty daily average values  29.6622  -20.45 %

profit ratio vs. Bitcoin 273.67 %/ 201.57 %

the current highest exchange rate in BTC 0.00000020 (Cryptsy) 0.00 %
Key Terms

DigiByte: Refers to the entire DigiByte network or a single monetary unit on the payment network. 21 billion DigiBytes will be created over 21 years.

Block: A grouping of all transactions sent over the DigiByte network within a 30 second time frame. Think of a block as an excel spreadsheet that lists the address location of all DigiBytes at a given point in time in history. New DigiBytes are brought into circulation as each block is discovered on the network through a process called mining.

Mining: Mining is how transactions are processed on the network. Anyone can become a miner by donating and using their desktop, laptop or mobile phone computing power to help process transactions on the DigiByte network.  DigiByte has made this process even easier with our 3 click mining software for beginners.

Blockchain: The DigiByte blockchain is the entire history of all blocks discovered on the network & therefore all transactions made on the network. Each block references the proceeding block all the way back to the beginning of the network to what is known as the genesis block. By linking blocks (spreadsheets) together an accurate, secure accounting of all up to date DigiByte ownership is made by decentralized consensus.

DigiByte vs. Bitcoin

Security: 5 DigiByte mining algorithms vs. 1 Bitcoin algorithm.

  • DigiByte mining is much more decentralized.
  • DigiByte mining algorithms can be changed out in the future to prevent centralization.

Speed:  DigiByte transactions occur much faster that Bitcoin transactions.

  • 1-3 second transaction notifications.
  • 30 second DigiByte blocks vs. 10 minute Bitcoin blocks.
  • DigiBytes are confirmed after 3 minutes vs. 1 hour with Bitcoins.

Transaction Volume: DigiByte can handle many more transactions per second.

  • Bitcoin can only handle 7 transactions per second.
  • DigiByte currently can handle 140 transactions per second.
  • Future DigiByte upgrades will push transaction limit to several thousand per second.

Total Supply: More DigiBytes, lower price, more micro transactions, better price stability.

  • 21 billion DigiBytes will be created over 21 years.
  • Only 21 million Bitcoin will be created over 140 years.
  • 1:1000 ratio. 1 Bitcoin for every 1000 DigiBytes.

Flexibility: Ability to quickly add new features.

  • DigiByte can add new features & upgrades much quicker than Bitcoin.
  • Future DigiByte upgrades will push transaction limit to several thousand per second.

Marketability & Usability: DigiByte is an easy brand to market to consumers.

  • DigiBytes are much cheaper to acquire.
  • $1 – $10 long-term price target per DigiByte.
  • Send 5 DigiBytes instead of 0.005 Bitcoin.
DigiByte Core v3.0.3 Wallets & Source



DigiByte Mobile Wallets



DigiByte Info Kit
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DigiByte Exchanges
Where To Buy & Sell DigiBytes



DigiByte Mining Pools
DigiHash Is The Official Developer Pool

DigiByte uses five independent mining algorithms to process transactions over the network. Each algorithm accounts for about 20% of all blocks discovered on the network. This allows for greater decentralization as currently three of the five DigiByte algorithms are ASIC resistant and much better for GPU miners. The best GPU algorithms to mine on are Skein, Groestl and Qubit. It is still possible (but not recommended) to mine all five algorithms with a CPU.

SHA256 is heavily dominated by used Bitcoin ASICS as DigiByte provides an attractive market to miners who can no longer competitively mine Bitcoin with their used ASICS.  Scrypt is now becoming more dominated by ASICs, however it is still possible to GPU mine a few DigiBytes each day.




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