Wild Beast Bitcoin: profitability of cryptocurrency

Wild Beast Bitcoin: profitability of cryptocurrency

Wild Beast Bitcoin: profitability of cryptocurrency

Wild Beast Bitcoin (WBB), Scrypt :

difficulty daily average values  64.1208  -2.02 %

profit ratio vs. Bitcoin  302.77 %/ 190.44 %

 the current highest exchange rate in BTC 0.00021489 (Bittrex) +4.60 %
A true coin without any pre-mine or hidden mining and no ICOOnly 2.628 millions coins will ever be available, this coin will be rare and at the same time be a fair and a honest coin.Why does WildBeastBitcoin exists?

I like these animals and have made this coin simply to show my love for these beasts, and for anyone who feels  the same way.
This coin will be a pure mining coin with no pre-mine so mining on release day will start at block one.
I want a coin that gives one the option to mine and hold a clean straight forward coin which has a future in the world of crypto.
Another reason is that I am not in favour of bump and dump coins with have no future and are gone within a month of launch.

What does WildBeastBitcoin offer?

Well that is simple
Its own pool: www.wildbeastbitcoinpool.com with 0% fee
Its own website: www.wildbeastbitcoin.com
A forum on the main site to talk about the coin or other things of interest in conjunction of WildBeastBitcoin

Block Explorer:
cryptoID Block Explorer


Market cap:

Wallets for: Windows, Mac and the Wallet for Linux can be downloaded from Github and you can compile it yourself
NOTE: official wallets are on www.wildbeastbitcoin.com and source on GitHub.

Windows Wallet:
MAC OS Wallet:
Linux Wallet:

Where can I Trade WildBeastBitcoin?







If you like to see this coin on various exchanges feel free to ask them and let me know on the official forum at www.wildbeastbitcoin.com

Collectors items will there be any?

Yes, I will produce unique silver collector coins at a limited number.
Each series will be made from pure silver and will carry various wild and endangered animals.
Amount produced for each series: 100 coins
Total amount of 10 series will be made over time and these collector coins can then be bought at www.wildbeastbitcoin.com
The first series and design will be announced shortly

What special technical spec will this coin have?

Well, it will be an honest straight forward mining coin in scrypt algo made for mining.
The coin is as it is, simple and honest starting with block #1 at launch.

What is the future of WildBeastBitcoin?

If people support this coin it has a very excellent chance.
So enjoy, support and start mining with me on the release date:
2015-02-15 21.00 CET
Relaunch 2015-02-16 21.00 CET


Official WBB Pool

Other Pools


For this pool below we recommend you use your WBB address for pay-out as this is a profit switch pool where WBB has been added from the pool OP


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